Janusz Vorreiter, MD PhD


I have been a doctor of medicine for over thirty years, and for twenty years I have specialised in natural and integrative medicine, complementary cancer treatment, homeopathy and physical medicine.


I have studied at the Medical University of Silesia in Zabrze. After the completion of my internship and after a few years of professional experience in Polish hospitals, I went to Germany where I worked for 10 years and did my hospital and clinical training, including my internship at the Oncology Ward. In 1997, I defended my PhD dissertation in oncology at the University of Regensburg. My dissertation was on the application of complementary drugs in the treatment of patients with cancers.


The subject of my PhD dissertation: „Die Anwendungspraxis medikamentöser Therapieverfahren ohne sicheren pharmakologischen Wirksamkeitsnachweis bei Patienten mit malignen Tumor- und Systemerkrankungen. Grad: Dr. med.; Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Andreesen; Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Manfred Herbst Signatur: 9123/XH 3204 V954”.

Since 1998, I have run my own Integrative Medicine and Hyperthermia Day Clinic. I cooperate with eminent German and foreign medical doctors, as well as with therapeutic and diagnostic centres.

I have qualifications acknowledged
by the Bavarian State Chamber of Physicians
in the following fields:

  • natural medicine with the right to train physicians
  • homeopathy
  • physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • acupuncture
  • cancer complementary treatment
  • sports medicine
  • chiropractic